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A Frequency Dictionary of Russian is an invaluable tool for all learners of Russian, providing a list of the 5, most frequently used words in the language and the most frequent multiword constructions. The dictionary is based on data from a million-word internet corpus taken from more than 75, webpages and covering a range of text types from news and journalistic articles, research papers, administrative texts and fiction. All entries in the rank frequency list feature the English equivalent, a sample sentence with English translation, a part of speech indication, indication of stress for polysyllabic words and information on inflection for irregular forms. The dictionary also contains twenty-six thematically organised and frequency-ranked lists of words on a variety of topics, such as food and drink, travel, and sports and leisure. A Frequency Dictionary of Russian enables students of all levels to get the most out of their study of vocabulary in an engaging and efficient way.

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Топики на английском
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Около сотни кратких сочинений на английском с переводом на русский. Монологическая речь». Forming a Government. The Cabinet. American homes are some of the biggest and best in the world. Many have a garage for one or two cars, a big modern kitchen, a living room, and a playroom for the children.

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